Monday, March 12, 2012

2.5 hours of hula!

I am tired!  During the day, I went on a 1.5 hour hike with my mom, sister, sister-in-law, niece and nephew.  It was 72 degrees and sunny, so a perfect day for a hike.

Then 2.5 hours of hula!  First a semi-private class at my teacher's home studio.  We worked on the choreography we are learning in our regular class; practiced going down to the floor; and we also practiced our poi balls - I'm getting better, but it is challenging!

And then a quick drive over to the studio for our regular class, with 10 other students.  I tried my very hardest at both classes, participating fully.  It was tough - I think we got up & down the floor 50 times!  The hula choreography we are learning starts out on the floor, so we get down & up every time we restart.  It is very pretty! 

We are also learning a Tahitian ʻōteʻa (otea) choreography.  Here is more about otea:'ote'a
I love it!  I missed a few weeks of class, so I am little behind, but I am catching up.  The otea is fun, and moves so fast!  I think we will be able to perform the otea and hula this summer.

2.5 hours of hula is a LOT in one evening.  But I LOVED every minute of it!  It was tough, especially having spent 1.5 hour hiking early, but I did not give up.

Now if I could only find time & energy to spend 4 hours every day exercising!

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