Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lili uokalani

Tonight was hula class with my favorite teacher!!! She is amazing.

First hour was the kids class that my 2 nieces take. I took them to class, and stayed to help. I was able to take notes so that I can help the girls learn the choreography.

Then was my class, best hour ever! We worked on hula choreography and a Tahitian workout.

The hula choreography for the kids class and adult class was new this week. It is about Lili'uokalani. She was the last monarch of Hawaii. A princess? I think.
The choreography is beautiful! The first part is on the floor, which is tough for me, but I got through it!

Great workout tonight!!!

This is a photo of my 2 cute nieces at their kids hula class.

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