Friday, April 13, 2012

hula and hike

I was lucky to start the day out with a lovely hike with my friend, sister, mom, niece and nephew.  We did our favorite 2.7 mile loop.  We went the opposite direction this time, so not as much up hill, but still look 1.5 hours.  It was delightful, nice to get fresh air & sunshine, exercise & good company.

While cleaning house, I took a few breaks to practice the Ote'a choreography.

Tonight, my niece and I practiced the Ote'a several times.  I REALLY need to learn the rest of the choreography.  I love love love that music and dance style!  Plus, I break a sweat very quickly with this one.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


YAY YAY YAY!!!  We had class today!  I couldn't be happier!!!  I was so afraid when Monday's class was cancelled that something had happened, and that we wouldn't have class again for a while. What a relief!

 I took my nieces to their class and stayed and watched.  They did great!  I love being a dance auntie!!!  :)

Our class was amazing!  Very hard, great leg workout.  I brought my new ipu, and learned how to use it!  It is so fun to use!  I sweated 100% of the time we were there, but that hopefully means more calories burned!  In addition to learning the ipu, we use our puili's (bamboo sticks).  I love using the hula implements.

By the time I left, I felt like I could do anything, and felt like the happiest person on earth!

I also enjoyed a wlak with my sister and mom earlier in the day.

We took a group photo of the kids & adults classes - and I actually like the photo!  That is a miracle.  My face looks SO much thinner, it is amazing!

Can't wait to see the scale tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hot Hula at home

Hot Hula DVD today ... working on the advanced level.  One of my dreams - to be a Hot Hula instructor!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Working on the Ote'a

I am determined to master the Ote'a choreography!  I just LOVE it!  It moves very quickly, but the more I practice, the easier it is to keep up.   Only problem - I only remember the first half.  I am just dying to learn the rest!  It is so hard to remember.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Class cancelled, so bummed!

I am SO bummed!  My two hula classes tonight were cancelled.  I of course understand that on the rare occassion, a teacher needs to cancel.  But I missed it SO much tonight! 

To add to that, my ipu arrived today - which I had overnighted from Hawaii.  I was so excited to bring to class.

Oh well, moving on!  I pulled myself together and practiced the Ote'a at home!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ote'a and Easter

In honor of Easter, and most of all, a super busy day with Church and family dinner, and fit in a quick review of the Ote'a choreography we are learning!  Good thing about that number is that it moves quickly, and you burn calories fast!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Great dance workout with nieces

My three nieces and I had a great workout today!  We danced for almost 1.5 hours.  We spent about half of the time on our Lili'u E hula choreography.   We are at least now remembering most of it - now to fine tune it so that our movements are really clean, sharp, and together!

We then spent time some on working out to to Tahitian music, working on keeping our legs bent, arms straight, and really working it!  I told the girls that they should feel a BURN!

My favorite part of our workout together was working on the Ote'a choreography.  I have about 60% of it memorized, so I need to really pay attention in class so that I can master this and practice it at home.  The girls just started learning it this week in class.  This is the music for it:
'Ote'a Heivari'i -- by: Mahealani Uchiyama

This is by far my favorite choreography and music I have danced to in the last year.  It is this style that really got me motivated to learn.  So I am very excited to really master this!  I am hoping that my three nieces and I can perform this at a luau at our family reunion in August. 

If I can learn the choreography, I feel like I could be quite motivated to spend an hour a day practicing it.  You definitely feel a workout by the time you are done!

Friday, April 6, 2012


I found an ipu for my hula class!  I'm so excited about it!  I ordered it from Na Kani O Hula.  They were super nice, and accommodating to my rush order needs.  Now I can make beautiful music and dance with my ipu!

Busy day ahead today, so I am blogging early.  I finally have the music to most of the dances we are doing in class, so that is VERY helpful in practicing at home.  This morning I practiced the ote'a choreography, that looks like birds, it's really cool, and fast!

I'm hoping to get some more exercise in later today - a walk and/or Zumba, and hopefully a little more hula before bed.

SO excited about my ipu!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dance class! ipu

Dance class was great tonight.

First was the kids hula class.  I bring two of my nieces, and go & watch, so that I can take notes & video, and observe - so that on Saturdays, I can work with my nieces to practice the choreography.  I appreciate the opportunity to carefully document everything.  But it's hard to just watch & not get up & dance!

The adult class went really well.  The studio was really hot though, so it made it really tough, but maybe it was good for us!  We worked on the hula (Lili'u E) and also the Ote'a (birds) choreography.  I feel pretty good about the Lili'u E, but I have a long ways to go on the Ote'a - it moves very quickly!  We also worked with the puili and ...

Ipu!   I don't have an ipu!  I missed a lot of class in November (skin cancer), December (husband in hospital), and January/February (concussion) - so I must have missed the announcement about needing to buy/bring an ipu to class.  Bummer!  Now I need to wait for the hula implement stores to open up in the morning in Hawaii, and see who can ship an ipu to me pronto. 

I love the sound of the ipu.  Our teacher uses an ipu at every class for some of our workouts/dances.  She is talented at using the ipu. 

Following is a definition of the ipu, from wiki:
"is a percussion instrument made from gourds that is often used to provide a beat for hula dancing."

So, without an ipu tonight, I practiced by clapping my hands, as if one of my hands was the ipu.  I'm excited to try out the actual ipu!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

hula, gym and Zumba

I decided I better start practicing my hula first thing in the morning - so that I don't ever miss - and so that I'm not doing hula at 11 p.m. (after I have climbed in my bed and realized that I have forgotton!).   So I put my headphones in and DANCED!!!  I went through all the hula/Tahitian songs on my ipod, and did the choreography I have learned to each.

Tonight, I went to the gym with my son and sister.  I walked slowly on the treadmill and did a few circuit weight machines.  I was not motivated.  We ran into a friend, who mentioned trying out Zumba at the gym.  I am planning to meet her there soon.  So I came home and finally unwrapped the Zumba game I bought last year - for the XBox Kinect.  I spent one hour on that tonight.  Some of what I have learned in hula really helped. 

I still prefer hula.  And I will still dance hula 365 days a year.  But I need to exercise 2 times a day if I am going to lose any weight.  Zumba is so popular, and available everywhere.  I dream about the day that hula catches on - and becomes the popular class offered at all the gyms!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Only 15 minutes of hula today - to the Hot Hula DVD.  Busy busy busy day. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

2.5 hours of hula, and a friend!

I really do love Mondays. I go to a semi-private class at my teacher's house - we dance for just over an hour.  Then we go straight to the dance studio for our regular Monday night class, and dance for another hour or so.  You would think that I would just die the second hour, but just the opposite - I think it takes my body that long to get warmed up & loosened up.  The second hour is always better than the first.

A nice bonus tonight - my sister's friend (she's my friend also!) came to the semi-private class!  She has never danced hula before, but is in good shape & has taken other dance classes.  She did great, and had a really good attitude.  I've seen a lot of other new students start over the last year - and those who have a good attitude stick it out and are still dancing. But so many come & say "I can't do that" or "it hurts" or they just don't fully participate.  Not my friend, she did great! 

In the semi-private, we finished learning the choreography for the 'Ote'a we are learning.  I missed over a month because of my concussion.  When I first came back to class and saw the girls doing this dance, I wondered how I would ever learn it.  It is SO fast!!!

In class we spent time practicing poi balls.  We are learning short poi.  I need to start practicing at home every day.  I also need to learn how to make poi balls - so my nieces and I can practice at home. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday, Church & hula at home

Normally, we go to Church every Sunday.  But twice a year, there is General Conference for our church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It is broadcast on TV, web, in church buildings, on the radio, ...   So today, we watched "church" on TV for 4 hours.  It was nice to spend time quietly at home with the family all day.

Between sessions, I fit in a quick hula practice session - only 15 minutes - but better than nothing.