Saturday, April 7, 2012

Great dance workout with nieces

My three nieces and I had a great workout today!  We danced for almost 1.5 hours.  We spent about half of the time on our Lili'u E hula choreography.   We are at least now remembering most of it - now to fine tune it so that our movements are really clean, sharp, and together!

We then spent time some on working out to to Tahitian music, working on keeping our legs bent, arms straight, and really working it!  I told the girls that they should feel a BURN!

My favorite part of our workout together was working on the Ote'a choreography.  I have about 60% of it memorized, so I need to really pay attention in class so that I can master this and practice it at home.  The girls just started learning it this week in class.  This is the music for it:
'Ote'a Heivari'i -- by: Mahealani Uchiyama

This is by far my favorite choreography and music I have danced to in the last year.  It is this style that really got me motivated to learn.  So I am very excited to really master this!  I am hoping that my three nieces and I can perform this at a luau at our family reunion in August. 

If I can learn the choreography, I feel like I could be quite motivated to spend an hour a day practicing it.  You definitely feel a workout by the time you are done!

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