Thursday, April 12, 2012


YAY YAY YAY!!!  We had class today!  I couldn't be happier!!!  I was so afraid when Monday's class was cancelled that something had happened, and that we wouldn't have class again for a while. What a relief!

 I took my nieces to their class and stayed and watched.  They did great!  I love being a dance auntie!!!  :)

Our class was amazing!  Very hard, great leg workout.  I brought my new ipu, and learned how to use it!  It is so fun to use!  I sweated 100% of the time we were there, but that hopefully means more calories burned!  In addition to learning the ipu, we use our puili's (bamboo sticks).  I love using the hula implements.

By the time I left, I felt like I could do anything, and felt like the happiest person on earth!

I also enjoyed a wlak with my sister and mom earlier in the day.

We took a group photo of the kids & adults classes - and I actually like the photo!  That is a miracle.  My face looks SO much thinner, it is amazing!

Can't wait to see the scale tomorrow!

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