Wednesday, April 4, 2012

hula, gym and Zumba

I decided I better start practicing my hula first thing in the morning - so that I don't ever miss - and so that I'm not doing hula at 11 p.m. (after I have climbed in my bed and realized that I have forgotton!).   So I put my headphones in and DANCED!!!  I went through all the hula/Tahitian songs on my ipod, and did the choreography I have learned to each.

Tonight, I went to the gym with my son and sister.  I walked slowly on the treadmill and did a few circuit weight machines.  I was not motivated.  We ran into a friend, who mentioned trying out Zumba at the gym.  I am planning to meet her there soon.  So I came home and finally unwrapped the Zumba game I bought last year - for the XBox Kinect.  I spent one hour on that tonight.  Some of what I have learned in hula really helped. 

I still prefer hula.  And I will still dance hula 365 days a year.  But I need to exercise 2 times a day if I am going to lose any weight.  Zumba is so popular, and available everywhere.  I dream about the day that hula catches on - and becomes the popular class offered at all the gyms!

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