Tuesday, March 27, 2012

busy day of spring break, hula and the gym

I had a very busy day today ... but managed to fit in 15 minutes of hula practice - I put on my headphones, and danced in my bedroom - practiced the hula choreography we have been learning. 
Spring break is fun - but harder to fit in much exercise.

During the day, I took my son & 2 nieces to volunteer where my son did his Eagle project, and then we went to lunch, and then to the Temple.  It was so nice to spend the day with them.

Tonight, while my son was at a Scout activity, I went to the gym for almost 2 hours!  I'm going to try and go to the gym at least three times a week - and really work on my legs and arms - so that I have the muscle strength needed to keep up in my hula classes.  Hula/Tahitian dance involves bent knees most of the time, and arms up or in motion - so you really need to be strong to fully participate.

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