Saturday, March 10, 2012

Family hula and hike

I enjoyed a lovely afternoon with my family today.  Today we had our "class" in my home studio, with 3 of my nieces and my cousin.  Today was the first day for one of my nieces and my cousin, so we learned several of the basic steps. We practiced the Lili'u E hula choreography we learned in class Thursday night.  And we went through all the basic Tahitian steps to a fast-paced song so we could get a really good workout.

I am soooo sore from Thursday night.  On Thursday at class, we practiced the Lili'u E choreography - which starts on the floor.  I wanted to try my best, so I fully particpated - nothing modified that night - up & down and up & down over and over and over.  It was hard that night, but I got through it.  But now, my thighs and calves are SO incredibly sore, I could barely go up or down even one stair today.

Despite all this soreness, I made it through our family hula class today.  And then I joined 9 family members for a hike at our favorite spot.  It is 2.7 miles, but it is mostly either up, or down.  The first 1/2 mile is up the whole way.  It is tough.  Took us about 1 hour & 40 minutes.  There are incredible views from the top of the trail, 360 degrees.  The weather was perfect, about 62 degrees and sunny.  It was tough today with my sore legs, but I made it.  It felt great!

I'm about to cuddle up with my son and husband and watch the new Footloose movie.  Excited about it!  Footloose was my favorite movie as a teenager.  I love all movies with dancing!  And it features my favorite dancer, Julianne Hough.

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