Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sore! ... Day 11

I sure wish I could be in hula class every day for 1-2.5 hours!  Yesterday was amazing!  Today, a bit more challenging.  I did hula & Tahitian practice at home.  I love having a space to practice.  But it is hard to make yourself practice as hard when you are alone.  At class, I give 110%, so I can keep up with the rest of the class, and to avoid having my teacher tell me to keep going.  At home, not as easy.

However, I did make time tonight to practice, and I'm glad I did!  I am a bit sore however.  50 times to the floor at class last night has left my legs sore!!!

Earlier today, I enjoyed another hike with my mom, sister, niece, nephew, and my friend!  Same place as Saturday and Monday.  Another beautiful day, 74 degrees!  2.7 miles in 1.5 hours  (about 1/2 of the hike is up hill).

I have lost 10 pounds since starting, and it is day 11!!

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