Saturday, March 24, 2012

hula with my nieces

Every Saturday I really look forward to spending time with my nieces.  2 of my nieces came over today, and we practiced hula for about an hour.  We worked on the Lili'u E choreography about 3/4 of the time, and the rest of the time, we worked out legs to a Tahitian song.  As an extra bonus, my sister-in-law & 2 other nieces & 1 nephew came to pick up the girls - so we were able to show them what we have been learning.

Later in the day, my sister & cousin and I went for a walk - I think almost 4 miles - it was beautiful, relaxing, easy walk.  Nice to spend time together, get outside, enjoy the good weather, and exercise!

My son and husband both made it back from their trips.  I missed them!

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