Thursday, March 29, 2012

yay, class day!

During the day - my Mom and I took my Dad to the doctor.  My fun sister rented a hotel room nearby, so that she could use the pool.  It is outdoors, and open already!  The weather was amazing, everyone had a great time.  I was wishing I had brought my swim suit!

I love Mondays & Thursdays - because I get to go to class!  Tonight only one of my nieces was in town for the kid's class - she did great!  And then my class.  I LOVE my class!  It is such a HARD workout for me, but I just keep going, even when I feel like I am going to die!  All but one person in the class is much younger than I am, they are all in much better shape, most have dancing experience, and they all rock their lava lavas (sarongs) better than I do, but I don't care.  I love the class, and I love to dance hula!  Luckily, everyone in the class is very nice to me.

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