Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, spring break

It's spring break for the kids!  It is nice to have my son home, we really enjoy our time together. 

Tonight we had our regular hula class, which I LOVE!  But the semi-private class I take on Mondays was cancelled.  So only 1 hour of hula ... but I made it count!  I tried my hardest to try all the up/down moves that the rest of the class does.  I can't go down to the floor like they do - but I tried to go at least part way down on every move.  I think we went down 50 times.  My legs hurt so badly during class, I was sure they were going to go out on me.  My teacher is great - she really works her girls - and wants them to all have strong legs.  If my legs could ever look like my teachers, I would be so happy!  VERY strong legs!

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